Following the established in the Basic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on Personal Data Protection, we hereby inform you that your data will be included in an automated file owned by IMEGASA and may be used for the following purposes in each specific case:

If the user is requested personal data by means different to those stated above, IMEGASA will specifically and unambiguously inform them of the conditions under which personal data is gathered and the purposes for which they will be used, of the obligation to provide such data or not, of the rights applied to the user, the conditions under which they may be applied, the recipients of the data, the person responsible for the file and any other supplementary information that may be necessary.

He may exercise his/her right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of his/her personal data, in the terms and conditions provided for in the Law on Data Protection (LOPD), by writing to IMEGASA, established in Punta Promontoiro s/n 15620 - Mugardos. Failing to include the compulsory personal data required in the contact sheet may result in the impossibility of IMEGASA from handling his/her request.
Furthermore, by accepting this disclaimer, he/she declares the included information and personal data to be exact and true.

We also inform you that IMEGASA has implanted the necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee the safety of your personal data and to avoid alteration, loss and non-authorised treatment and/or access, considering the status of technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks arising from human action or from the physical or natural environment to which they are exposed. The former is stated in compliance with the established in section 9 of the Basic Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection and Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December regarding implementation of the cited Law.

IMEGASA agrees to process your personal data with absolute confidentiality and to use them only for the indicated purposes.

You can contact any department in IMEGASA here.
Your inquiry will be answered by our staff as soon as possible.
Name: Surname:
I have read and I accept the terms of use.

If you need to contact us through non-electronic means, you may do so by postal mail, telephone or fax:

Punta Promontoiro s/n. 15620 Mugardos. Spain.
Telephone: +34 981 470 750


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GADISA's group ethic code
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